Gaelic Games Apparel is a small home based business based in the midlands in Ireland and we have partnered up with dedicated print on demand production facilities across the UK, USA and the EU. As there are several different products available, they are printed in various different countries across the UK, USA and the EU depending on what product you are ordering. These print on demand partnered companies have over 10 years’ experience in their sector and some of them will have over 10 million visitors to their platform each year so you can be assured of the highest quality print design in your nominated product in question.
The range of Apparel on offer are Tee shirts, long sleeve T-shirts, sweaters, jumpers, kids T-shirts, mugs, hoodies and lots more and they can help you support your own county team during the course of the year or they can be provided as a gift for any of your friends or family who support Gaelic games. Orders are printed, delivered and fulfilled by our print on demand partners and they will handle all the customer service queries that you may have.
This website is designed to offer you an insight to the range of products on offer and the various designs available. These designs are work in progress as we plan to expand the range of County Gaelic Games designs and apparel in the coming months and years ahead
When you decide to place an order, please note that the item in question is not in stock. Instead they are made and printed on demand to reduce the level of wastage within the industry (billions of euro worth!) so you will have to wait 5 to 10 days on average instead of expecting a delivery in a few days. Customer support, returns and refunds are handled with our printing partner suppliers and orders can be managed and tracked with them.
Environment Advantages
There is over 90 million tons of solid waste sent to landfill each year within the fashion industry. Instead of stockpiling fashion and garment stocks, orders are produced and printed to order so there is minimal waste involved which in turn is a lot more environmentally friendly. There is never any cases of overproduction or high levels of textile waste as supplies are only sourced as they are needed to fill specific orders. In addition the packaging used for shipping and transport is kept to an absolute minimum especially when it comes to using plastics.
Finally, we would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our website and we hope you like the designs related to your own county colours. Some colours can be harder than others to match up but we intend to extend the range of colours, designs, fabrics and apparel in the coming months so make sure to come back to visit us once again. If you have any queries, feel free to stop by the contact page or leave a comment in any of the comment boxes provided at the base of each page. In the meantime, take a quick look at some of our latest designs on offer for each county to see if there is something that will take your fancy!
Best of luck and take care
Gaelic Games Apparel Team
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